Friday, July 3, 2009

work, work, WATERFALL, work

July 3-7, 2009

This week is has been our first week of work on our own! Things have been really interesting as we try to figure out how do our job without the help of our supervisors. The first day went very smoothly as we surveyed about a half mile of Dinger Creek. This creek started out to be very easy, but then quickly turned into dense thickets of vine maple (a tree from hell) that has been the blame for many instances of me falling face first in the creek and acquire several healthy looking bruises. 

The second day couldn't have been more ill-planned. Leaving the house at 7:00 AM, I realized our gas tank barely was above empty, and the nearest gas station was 26 miles away. So, I decided to chance it and see if we could make it the 20 minute drive to our stream and back again. We made it there, but, on the w
ay back, things went down hill. I was driving and coasted in neutral for about half the drive until (dun dun DUN!) we ran out of gas and pulled to the side. After flagging down a passing vehicle of friendly Portlanders, we hitchhiked back to our cabin where no one was home to give us a ride to the gas station. So we waited, and walked around, and waited until the other team got back to take us to the gas station (still 26 miles away). By the time I made it to our stranded car and team member (2 hours later) I find my boss standing there with our truck and stranded team member (Nooo!) After filling up the tank with 2 gallons of gas, we realize that we left the
hazard lights on and the battery is dead. (double nooo!) So I, being the girl, was chosen to flag down yet another passing car with jumper c
ables (it took me 3 tries) and so we eventually got our truck jumped, and we headed home from our long day of learning experiences. 

There is a bright side... 

While we were camping last week we were tipped off by a couple Oregonians of a waterfall way back in the woods. 
So, Shannon, Miles, and I decided to investigate. We followed a two mile trail into the mountains and low and behold we found a giant (180 ft?) waterfall! It was beautiful! And I had to climb it! I got about half way up where the water initially hit the rocks and the wind from the falls just about blew me away. I was soaking wet by the time I made it back down! Anyways, that was the highlight of my week. 
Shannon and I also went to Portland this weekend! It was so fun... 
we went to the Zoo and the world's biggest bookstore. I was instantly emotionally attached to the cutest giraffe ever and had some trouble leaving. 
Today, we finally finished our first assigned stream. It was about 3 miles long and took us 5 days to finish. It was cool because we ended up at a lake on top of a mountain (about 4000 feet) and the area was so pristine and filled with wildlife. We saw a ton of rough skinned newts and a few different varieties of frogs. BUT the best part of today was while driving to the site, we saw a black bear in the road! Awesome! I think it was a juvenile because it wasn't very big, but this is one of those things I can cross off my list - "Never have seen a bear in the wild"  :-)! 

Also, for the 4th of July I got to go into Portland and hang out with Josh and his family for the weekend. I think I forgot what anything but PB&J and tuna tasted like, so all the food we ate was soooo tasty! We went to the Blues festival for 4th of July and got to see the Harmonica Blow Off at which I totally got my dance on. The fireworks over the river were really cool too. I really did miss the annual Grandview Heights party with my family though--nothing will ever compare! 

We will be starting a new creek tomorrow, which is supposed to be really difficult, so wish me luck. I miss everyone so much! I really like reading everyone's emails so keep them coming. Love you all!
